Peroneal tendons are two tendons that support two important foot muscles, namely the peroneus brevis and peroneus longus, that originate on the outside of the calves. These two muscles are critical as they allow you to roll to the outside of the foot while standing.
Besides, these tendons also play a crucial role in supporting the arch of the foot. They are held in place by a tissue band known as the peroneal retinaculum. Injury to this tissue can cause it to stretch or tear, leading to the dislocation of the peroneal tendons from their groove on the back of the fibula. When dislocated, these tendons roll over the outside of the fibula and become damaged.
Peroneal tendon dislocation/dysfunction is commonly caused by skiing, football, basketball, and soccer. Ankle sprains can also lead to this condition. Patients usually have to use crutches after such an injury, to allow the retinaculum tissue to heal and the tendons to move back to their natural position on the fibula. Sometimes, a splint or compression bandage is applied to decrease swelling. Anti-inflammatory medications and ice are often used as part of the treatment. However, it’s essential to consult a physician before taking any medications.
In moderate to severe cases of injury, when the retinaculum is torn or severely stretched and susceptible to dislocation, surgery may be required. The surgery involves repairing the peroneal retinaculum and deepening the fibular groove to prevent future dislocations. Full recovery from surgery may take up to six months.
It’s critical to seek medical care immediately if you suspect a peroneal tendon dislocation/dysfunction. Dr Gilbert Huang DPM is highly experienced in treating this condition and can help you prevent further damage to your tendons. With proper treatment, it’s possible to make a full recovery and be back to your normal activities in no time.