Metatarsalgia is a condition that causes pain in the ball of your foot. It occurs when one or more of the five bones, medically called metatarsals, in the mid-portion of the foot becomes inflamed or painful. Metatarsalgia is also known as “dropped metatarsal heads” as it causes an abnormal weight distribution in the foot due to overpronation.
The symptoms of metatarsalgia include a sharp or burning pain in the ball of your foot or under the big toe. You may also feel a tingling or numbness sensation in your toes. Most people often develop a callus under the affected joint over time.
There are various causes of metatarsalgia including improper footwear, foot injury, hard surfaces, foot deformities, and arthritis. Athletes who participate in high-impact sports or run frequently are more prone to developing the condition. In some cases, wearing rigid-soled work boots can also trigger metatarsalgia.
The good news is that metatarsalgia can be treated with proper care and treatment. The first step is to switch your footwear to shoes that offer more support and cushioning. It’s important to wear shoes that fit well and provide ample space in the toe box. Your doctor or orthopedic surgeon may also recommend over-the-counter or custom orthotics to help alleviate the pain and prevent overpronation.
In more severe cases, treatment may involve physical therapy to strengthen the foot muscles and relieve pressure on the metatarsal joints. Surgery is rarely needed but may be considered if other treatments are ineffective.
It’s important to get a proper diagnosis from a medical professional if you suspect that you have metatarsalgia. Dr Gilbert Huang DPM is an expert in the treatment of foot and ankle conditions and can help you manage the condition effectively. He is experienced in providing personalized care tailored to your individual needs.
In conclusion, if you are experiencing pain in the ball of your foot, it’s important to seek medical attention to determine the root cause of the problem. Proper care and treatment can help alleviate the pain and prevent further complications. By following the advice of your doctor and making some simple lifestyle changes, you can regain your mobility and enjoy your daily activities without the fear of foot pain or discomfort.